"Mellow Yellow"
"Juicy Orange"
"Fabulous Fushia"
"Blue Steele"
Date: 07/04/2011
Size: 4 panels 30" x 30" each
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Artist's Comments: While working on a project to bring artwork into a property listed for sale, the owner wanted a more abstract type of painting where the focas was on color. The panels would be hung on a large wall against a stairway. We decided on capturing the top of a palm tree on each panel but augment each color to give personality and interst to each canvas. I didn't have a real plan on what colors each of the 4 panels would be but instead let my creativity and inspiration take over from the moment my paintbrush touched canvas. I had allot of fun developing each palm tree with its own personality using color and brushwork. In addition to adjusting the tones of the leaves, I slightly adjusted the background color to further drive some interest to each painting so that it could have strength as a stand-alone piece. Together in the collection, they really sing with each other ~ like a group of sisters dancing in the breeze.
To view other paintings in my collection, click on the section labeled "View all SitaScapes" located at the top right of my blog. I have categorized my paintings by the month as I complete them.